Intake Forms
Intake forms are used to gather essential information at the beginning of our relationship. They allow me to understand your needs, expectations, and any relevant details before providing potential services or custom-tailored solutions that help ensure service delivery and satisfaction.
Biblical Counseling Intake Form
Before you arrive at your first counseling session, it is important to email me a completed intake form (one per person being counseled). Please download the form by clicking here. You can fill it out with a PDF-writer, or you can print it and fill it out by hand. Please email it to in the form of PDF, a scanned document, or a set of photos of each completed page. In addition to in-person counseling, I also do virtual counseling via Zoom or FaceTime.
Business Chaplaincy Intake Form
If you are interested in exploring my Corporate Chaplaincy Services, please complete and email me this Chaplaincy Intake Form by clicking here. You can fill it out with a PDF-writer, or you can print it and fill it out by hand. Please email it to in the form of PDF, a scanned document, or a set of photos of each completed page.
Clergy Officiant Intake Form
If you are interested in exploring my Clergy Officiant Services, please complete and email me the Clergy Officiant Intake Form by clicking here. You can fill it out with a PDF-writer, or you can print it and fill it out by hand. Please email it to in the form of PDF, a scanned document, or a set of photos of each completed page.