Scripture, being God’s law and testimony, is entirely true and should therefore serve as the Christian’s standard for all matters of faith and practice. Bible-centered counseling holds there is no authority that is higher than the one found in Scripture. Wherever and on whatever subject Scripture speaks, it is God himself speaking and therefore it must be regarded as inerrant, authoritative, sufficient, and superior to human counsel. As we open ourselves to God’s Word, we encounter God himself and are strengthened in faith, sanctified from sin, supported in weakness, and sustained in suffering by his unchanging revelation in Scripture.
Biblical counseling is intentionally and exclusively Christ-centered. Christ-centered counseling focuses on who Christ is and what He has done for us in His life, death, resurrection, and in sending the Holy Spirit. It involves understanding the nature and causes of our human struggles, the ways we are unlike Christ in our values, aspirations, desires, thoughts, feelings, choices, attitudes, actions, and responses, and the ways Christ redeems and justifies us. Such counseling emphasizes receiving God’s forgiveness through Christ, and acquiring from Christ the enabling power to replace un-Christlike (sinful) patterns with Christlike, godly ones.
God has ordained the local church, a fellowship of imperfect and dependent believers, to carry out his purpose and will in the world. This means that as a pastor or church leader, your privilege and responsibility is to care for the members of your church in the midst of their pain, suffering, and relational turmoil. This can be a difficult task for several reasons: (1) ministry demands (2) comfort & capacity level (3) cirmcumstances needing a third party. Church-centered counseling means I walk alongside like-minded pastors and church leaders to synergistically care for their congregants. I am committed to providing counseling that is biblically accurate, theologically sound, aimed at transforming the heart while complementing the ministry of your church.